Sunday, May 20, 2007

Our Long Weekend

This weekend was a crazy one! I am trying to finish packing, complete all my little projects and make it for two special events.
The first was in Niagara, at the smallest chapel in the world. Our friends were getting married and so Brian and I got up Saturday morning and left for what we thought was either a 10am or 10:30am wedding. The fact that we weren't sure of the time should have been a sign. Who knew that all lanes on the QEW would be closed due to some reason we still haven't figured out. Who knew that the signage would be so bad that I would make Brian drive round and round a round-a-bout 3x's while I try and guess which exit we should take - I was wrong by the way! Who knew the wedding was at 11am and all our (Brian's) worrying was for nothing. It ended up being a beautiful day filled with laughter and we are just honoured that we could be a part of it!

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