Friday, July 20, 2007

Two Weeks til Departure

The last couple of weeks have been scooting by. We have moved into the house and are almost done all the reno work. Brian is finally beginning to enjoy his summer!
As most of you know, my life is seldom without craziness - most self inflicted! My huge a_ _ project began pilotting last week, another one of our call centres enters this coming week and then we get ready for National launch August 7th - oh yeah I won't be here for that one;) Lots of learning gained and for our working team it is so nice to see the fruits of our labour.
We held our work Crazy Olympics at our home this week. It was alot of fun.
Meanwhile, I have been helping Brian with the house, focusing on the tedious work of removing wall paper.
I will be packing for Alex this weekend and that really excites me!
So those are our updates. We are still looking for houseguests for the following dates: August 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th. Please let me know if you are interested in a small vacation!

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