Saturday, August 11, 2007

Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

Thanks for the words Allison! As always you come through nicely for me! Unfortunately I had already sung her the wrong words to this song and many more. All my friends especially my TD ones will appreciate that:)
It is so bizarre being so far away and then logging in and feeling so close to home. Sigh, it has been a long day. Have I told you I hate zoo's? Canadian, American and yes even Chinese. The animals being caged up breaks my heart. I remember a few years a go Brian and I got it into our heads to go to the Toronto zoo, we lasted half an hour and then left crying. Not going to get on a soap box here because I just paid yet again to go to another zoo. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I thought that since I have to pass cages of turtles, cats and puppies in the shops outside of the hotel just to get to the bus to go to the zoo I would be okay. Not so much. Anyhow, I have included a few pics from the zoo and the nightlife outside our hotel.
Have I told you that I am in love? So wonderfully completely head over heels in love :) I was worried, you may not know that. What if after all this time, I didn't love her? It was up there with what if I forgot her some where or forgot to feed her - weird anxiety but anxiety nevertheless. From the moment I saw her picture, to the moment I held her in my arms - I stopped doubting. She is perfect. She is amazing. Most of all she is the most precious gift I have ever been blessed with. I can't wait to learn all the lessons that she will teach me. She is my angel.
Have a great day today! Off to bed - I have 12 hours alone with Alex tomorrow!

1 comment:

JMCPhillips said...

Sarita and Brian,

I am so happy for you! She is just perfect! Sarita, I am so glad that your anxieties regarding attachment have resolved themselves - I knew that they would! How can you help but love that little darling!
My heart is with you as you continue your journey!

Marie and Caitlin